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Creating an online store
Online store is a site that helps to sell goods, allows users to buy goods/services via computer or mobile phone.
Online store – one of the ways of creating a business online with a small investment. Creation and development of an online store helpful for offline business. This ability to expand their business.
Electronic commerce grows with each year, so it is worth not miss the chance to launch a business on the Internet. We spread the word about the advantages of creating an online store and how to find a quality development of the site under it.
What is an online store and how it works
The online store is an interactive site where you can display items, sell them and receive payment from buyers. This method of commerce helps to effectively organize sales through the Internet.
The seller adds items to the catalog of the online store and writes a description of them: price, features, how much the delivery costs, photos. The customer chooses the product and makes a purchase.
The seller may not have the goods in stock. He can arrange for the suppliers to send orders to the buyers themselves, directly from the warehouse. This is called dropshipping.
What are the advantages of creating your own online store?
- It is not necessary to rent retail space, storage facilities for storing goods and hiring staff;
- Online store operates without weekends and breaks, and thus can sell without shutdowns;
- You can create an online store in a short period of time;
- Your business will not be limited to the location. You can have your profitable online store all over Ukraine and even beyond its borders.
- The development of an online store will help you lure more customers for a great hunting in the internet.
- Definitely create an online store advantageous for the seller. Just hire one person, who will process orders, watching the filling of products, making new items in the catalog online store, responding to messages, feedback from customers and develop the store. Or you can do it yourself.
How to create an online store from scratch
After determining the product range, the sellers need to deal with the technical side of the creation of the online store. It is necessary to create a full site under the online store.
Many sellers, with the aim of saving time and money to pay the cost of services for the development of the site – creating an online store on a simple design. These sites can be created independently without the help of professionals. However, if you want to develop and successful commerce in the Internet, the creation of the store on the constructor you will not do.
Create an online store better immediately through a good CMS. For example, the development of the online store on WordPress (WordPress) + WooCommerce. So you will avoid problems with functional additions, development of unique design and site development in the future.
Knows how professional development online store secure the successful prospects for business. Therefore, it is better not to save on ordering a competent experts.
Making an online store on CMS, you gain:
- The ability to place a large amount of data on the product and blocks in the online store, which means there will be more choice, will increase the confidence of buyers and you can sell more.
- There will be no restrictions on design and functionality. You can build an online store on WordPress with unique, valuable design and compete with them. On these sites can be implemented by any wishes on the functionality and creativity.
- You can use all the methods of SEO promotion of the online store and shvidshe get to the top positions, increase sales and recognition of the store.
- Create an online store with the ability to integrate any analytics for data collection. You can fully control the sales funnel, improve it and bring more leads to the online store.
Creating an online store on WordPress, of course, will cost more expensive than the designers. But technically optimized online store with a unique design and rich functionality fully can pay the price of its development for a short term. The site is user-friendly, with a useful functions and services – more customers will be buyers, which means that you will have a successful online store, which really sells.
For the development of the site on WordPress requires a whole team of experts: Web-engineer, designer, marketer, programmer, copywriter. Hiring them separately is not cost-effective. Therefore, the professional development of the online store is often made through digital-agencies to order.
If you do not know where the most beautiful order the development of the online store on a turnkey basis, you can contact our agency in Kiev. We can implement a good online store on WordPress (WordPress), Laravel and Yii2 for the successful prosperity of your business online.
Development of Internet store in Kiev
You can order the creation of an online store in our company TerraPromo in Kiev. We have great experience in developing websites on WordPress, Laravel and Yii2.
We have developed a great CMS sites for foreign property, 3D metal welding, manufacturing of metal products, leasing cars, furniture manufacturing. The works are in our portfolio.
Why the creation of an online store on WordPress is advantageous with us:
- We work fast. Development of an online store in WordPress for 30 working days. The duration depends on the complexity of the project to develop the site.
- Deep expertise in the creation of sites on WordPress, experience in PHP more than 20 years.
- Create technically optimized site. Already at the stage of development of the online store in WordPress take into account the parameters of the site for a good indexing in search engines in the future.
- Complex digital works. Except for the service ” development of the online store,” you can do through us promotion of the online store, contextual advertising in Google, SMM, the work of the feedback, in order to get more traffic, increase sales and audience loyalty. You do not need to look for where you can buy the combined services for the development of the brand, all done in one place.
- Professional development of an online store from scratch and its adaptation for mobile devices, so as not to lose any customer.
- We fulfill any requests in the plan to develop the design of the site of the online store. The agency has experienced designers, who will help to create an online store with a valuable and original design.
- You can additionally buy hosting on demand with a server in Europe. The online store on such hosting will work without interruptions and quickly uploaded.If necessary,
- We will analyze the indicators and increase the conversion rate of the site.
- Free support during 1 month after the service for the creation of the online store. If you will be asked for additional improvement, we will do it right away.
- Our agency in Kiev works with clients all over the country. Pricing policy for all regions is the same and depends only on the complexity of site development.
We have great experience in SEO, so the development of the online store is made for the further promotion of the site on the Internet.
You already have the usual template site, and you do not know where to order in Ukraine overhaul (refactoring) of its code? We can do the redesign by completely renovating the old website and rewriting it for SEO optimization.
When the online store was developed on a third-party service (PROM, Horoshop, Tilda, etc.), formally it does not belong to the owner and there is a constant dependence on the supplier. It is not possible to develop such sites, and therefore there is a need to transfer the web resource on its platform under private management.
You will get a good online store, built from scratch. Due to the teamwork of our experts, created a site for the online store will be technically sound, with good design and content.
We accept only positive feedback from customers, which are posted on our site.
How much does it cost to create an online store from scratch?
Service “Professional web site development for the store” has a fixed price. Calculate how much it costs manufacturing online store from scratch and turnkey, we are committed to assess the difficulty and complexity of works.
Why can not we call the price of a professional web-store at once? Because the cost depends on the complexity of the structure of the store, how much time will take the development, layout and the number of pages of the site.
Logically, it is more expensive to create an online store with a collective tracking, implemented CRM, online calculator, a form of collection of feedbacks, than the development of a small simple store with a small assortment.
To clarify these moments, we ask the client a lot of fundamental questions about his understanding of the design of the online store. Only after that we can say how much it costs to create a site in a particular case.
To request a professional development of the online store, make an order on our website and we will call you shortly. Or you can personally visit our office in Kiev.
If you have an idea “I want an online store, but I do not know how to do it,” 一 contact our experts, who with pleasure will tell you how to implement.