SEO optimization
Technical optimization of the site
Check and fix problems on the site that negatively affect the promotion of your site.
Internal website optimization
Quality filling of the site relevant thematic content for the search engine, taking into account key queries.
External optimization

Analysis and optimization of the link profile of the site, obtaining the necessary links for the growth of the site.
Launch an optimized website in 6 steps
01 Competitor and niche analysis. Conduct an analysis of competitors on the level of competitiveness of both the business and the site itself. We give recommendations on how to improve the site.
02 Technical Audit. We carry out a detailed audit to identify critical errors, draw up and monitor the terms of reference for their elimination.
03 Semantic Core. We gather relevant keywords, clustering them under the relevant landing pages of the site.
04 Meta Tags. Make effective meta tags for all pages on the site, working on relevance and CTR.
04 Textual content. We prepare high-quality SEO-texts that are sure to have an effect on your site.
06 External optimization. We make anchor list, find quality sources and create a link mass site.
Terra Promo's SEO optimization of a website is...
Our experienced specialists work with a variety of niches and CMS, as well as constantly improve their level of knowledge.

We aim to make your business a market leader. That's why all our actions will be aimed at helping you do it.
Each specialist understands the importance of your site to you. That's why they will treat your site with the utmost responsibility and sensitivity.
Leave your contacts and get help from
our specialists

    We are recommended

    Great team, prompt responses at any time, pleasant approach. We have been working on SEO for several months now – traffic and positions are growing. Now we are connected to the second project.
    As a renter I always want to see the results of their work even faster.)

    Co-owner of “KAVA” Dnipro, Ukraine

    I have been working with Terrapromo for many years, on various projects.
    The current project is Tehnoshop, an online home appliance store.
    The first stage of the Terrapromo team’s work was an in-depth audit of our site, writing the terms of reference for the programmer and monitoring the implementation of changes. In parallel with this work we were working on optimization and promotion. The main result of our work is a monthly increase of traffic by 20% and the output of the positions in the TOP-10. Particularly we are glad about high-frequency positions. All this, respectively, resulted in increased sales and increased profits

    marketer “Tehnoshop” Kiev, Ukraine

    We have been working for more than two years, there are significant changes in positions. Quite easy to communicate, if you do not understand something they will always tell you).

    Co-owner of “KAVA” Lviv, Ukraine

    We have been working with the company for over two years. We are pleased with the smooth communication, creativity and initiative of the team. It is very nice to know that you work with a team that is ready 24 by 7 to fulfill all tasks, to bring the creatives to their ideal form, sometimes gently, sometimes with humor to react to critical requests, but at the same time trying to satisfy the most demanding tastes.
    Terra Promo team became for us more than a contractor)). They are our friends🙃

    ULF marketer Kyiv, Ukraine

    We have been working with the company for over two years. We are pleased with the smooth communication, creativity and initiative of the team. It is very nice to know that you work with a team that is ready 24 by 7 to fulfill all tasks, to bring the creatives to their ideal form, sometimes gently, sometimes with humor to react to critical requests, but at the same time trying to satisfy the most demanding tastes.
    Terra Promo team became for us more than a contractor)). They are our friends🙃

    ULF marketer Kyiv, Ukraine

    I am grateful to the guys from TerraPromo for creating a website for our beauty salon! It is convenient and incredibly beautiful and modern. The company approached the creation of the site with great care and enthusiasm and finally we got what we wanted, and most importantly – quickly! Now it is much more convenient for our customers to find us in Google search, do an online appointment or order a call-back. I recommend to everyone who needs to create or promote a website by keywords in Google!
    We wish you not to stand still, development and success.

    the owner of the salon “ABC of Beauty” Kiev, Ukraine


    Site Optimization

    SEO website optimization is a comprehensive measure to increase the importance of the web page in the selection of search engines. In simple words 一 these are different methods for external and internal optimization of the site, so that Google shows the web page more to users.

    SEO optimization is needed for commercial and informational websites. For online stores, SEO can bring more sales, and for an informational website more traffic.

    SEO optimization: what benefits it brings

    • ease of use of the site by visitors;
    • increase in site ranking;
    • minimum risk for the site to be filtered by search engines;
    • online store will sell better;
    • It is easier to find a page of the site for a query.Unoptimized web resource will not take a good position in search results in 90% of cases. With high competition you need at least seo optimization of the site. And better 一 a service of comprehensive SEO (SEO) promotion.Especially search engine optimization is important for young sites. They will be easier to give a comprehensive SEO promotion of the site in the future, due to the pre-established base and relevance. Especially if their competitors older sites, to which search engines give more credibility.Order SEO optimization of your website is a contribution to the long-term investment for the business, the cost of which over time will justify itself.

      Can I do myself to make the internal optimization of the site

      In practice, it can be done by yourself. However, self-site search engine optimization has some risks.

      For example, getting caught under the filter. Doing SEO by yourself optimizing your site you can, without knowing it, get sanctions. Consequently, the loss of traffic, falling positions and stopping the growth of the site.

      The website may get under a filter for: unauthorized content, duplicate content and pages, spam, low quality content, oversaturation of keywords, a large number of ads, a large proportion of anchor links.

      It is important to get the web-site out of filters as soon as possible. The more the site will be under filters, the more positions and chances for growth, he will lose.

      Therefore, it is better to order this delicate matter at the agency. Even after a one-time SEO optimization, you can for a long time to use our recommendations and avoid mistakes.

    Guarantees of result
    Our specialists will qualitatively optimize and configure the site for search engines, analyze the current situation of the web resource and give recommendations on further steps to development. We know how to help you!
    Optimization of the site takes an average of 1 calendar month.
    Yes, in case the niche is low-competitive, for other cases, the site needs promotion and support in the search engine.
    You can, in the case where you need a small amount of work, also, if all the information, approvals are fast and high quality.
    We are digital professionals

      Have interesting project?

      SEO optimization of a web-site in Ukraine at Terrapromo

      Our Internet marketing agency in Ukraine helps online stores and information sites to improve their ranking in search engines through SEO promotion and optimization.

      You can order a one-time SEO optimization of your website or comprehensive SEO promotion at a reasonable price.

      Below we will tell you what single SEO optimization will include.

      Search engine optimization: a list of works

      SEO optimization work for search engines is carried out in several stages. SEO optimization is aimed at eliminating site errors, increasing the speed of loading pages, attracting targeted traffic and improving usability. The combination of these factors increases the site’s ranking in a search engine.

      Technical audit of the website and its implementation

      We can fix site errors ourselves or write you a detailed terms of reference for error correction. Website errors prevent search engines and users from seeing and understanding the web page correctly. Important elements of the site may not be displayed.

      Therefore, search engines can attribute the website to uninformative sources. So the position of the site may fall down.

      By correcting some errors we can make the search engine see the right information.

      Analyzing the niche and competitors

      Analyzing your competitors does not mean copying them. The main task in analyzing 一 is to find your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. Weaknesses can be turned into a privilege, and strengths can be used to improve your site.

      More competitor analysis is done to find out how to generate traffic for the site. Then the young site won’t have to test traffic generation methods and drain its budget on it.

      For SEO optimization of an online store it is useful to look at how competitors position products, what their assortment, descriptions and cost, convenience of ordering, filtering of product positions by price and characteristics.

      An analysis of the website’s competitors will help to optimize the cost of testing methods of attracting leads and content development. Learning from other people’s mistakes is more profitable than spending your own money.

      Collect the semantic core on approved (with the client) pages

      Building a semantic core is the basis of SEO promotion of a web-site. Semantic kernel is a set of informational or commercial queries, entering which the user enters the site.

      The future of the entire website depends on how well the semantics for SEO optimization is collected, because it is used in almost all further work with a web page.

      The more variant queries are organically included in the site content, the more users will come to you. However, you need to be able to select only targeted queries, because untargeted traffic can ruin user behavior statistics.

      Entrusting the collection of the semantic core for internal optimization to professionals, you will get quality targeted traffic to your page.

      Writing competitive texts

      Exhaustive information for users, with the help of key queries 一 increase the relevance of the page for the search engine.

      For example, for online stores will be useful to make a detailed description of products to reduce the load on the call center. At the same time, in the description will be key queries for relevance.

      Meta tags for the site

      One of the weighty factors for site ranking. For writing meta-tags our specialists analyze each query, its potential, look at competitors, take into account search engine recommendations for writing meta-tags, look at the technical implementation of these elements, work with CTR 一 clickability rate.

      Also, much attention is given to the type of snippet on the site. It is important that the snippet should be visually beautiful, showing where the user will go and contain micro-patterns for preview: quick answers, prices, pictures, etc.

      Here’s a snippet for the site you can make, which will please search engines and users

      1. Breadcrumbs – will tell the user the name of the page; They can be made brighter and prettier;
      2. Title – needed for the search engine Google. One of the important ranking factors, so it should be given enough attention;
      3. Description – needed for the user. Make it bright, attractive and enticing to users;
      4. Micro markup (here questions and answers, you may also include rating, prices, images) – additional convenience for users: immediately see the price in the online store, rating, direct transition to the images, a quick answer to the question, etc.)

      Getting different kinds of links

      This is an auxiliary tool to raise the site’s ranking. Search engines like the fact that the link to the site is published on other sources, forums. Especially important for Google is the number and quality of other web sites that link to your web site.

      Article (eternal) and crowd links should appear on the web resource evenly, so as not to fall under the suspicion of search engines.

      Google My Business – find your business on the map

      An important element for local businesses. Especially useful for small commercial sites or online stores. The user will be able to find the point of business faster.

      This is a great opportunity for companies and online stores that provide services within one region, it is beneficial for them to compete in search with large organizations that operate throughout the country or even several states. What is the essence of this approach?

      To improve the relevance of search results, Google is continuously working on personalized results for each user. In addition to interests, it is particularly influenced by the region in which the user lives or is at the time of entering the query.

      For example, if you want to find a car repair shop in Kiev, the highest positions in your search results will be occupied by sites of repair shops of that city.

      Keeping track of site metrics

      If you haven’t already implemented web site tracking, we’ll set up the necessary metrics to track the effectiveness and dynamics of web pages.

      How long will seo optimization website

      Time for a simple setup and SEO (SEO) optimization of the web resource for search engines on average takes 1 month. The term depends on the amount of work, the duration of coordination with you content, the work of programmers.

      Do I need to be involved in SEO optimization?

      During the period of SEO optimization for the request site is important role of the client. From the client we expect to provide information about their business and product, so we understand how to properly position your site.

      With minimal involvement of the client, the content may be irrelevant to users, which will affect the ranking of the site.

      The active presence of the client 一 at the stage of SEO optimization of the site, and then the web page is already working on its own, the client from time to time checks the correct operation, metrics and, if necessary, updates the content.

      Ordering a one-time SEO optimization, we check the errors in the site, analyze the work of competitors and write terms of reference for revision with recommendations. You can implement these recommendations yourself or with the help of your programmer.

      We also have our own programmers who are willing to do this for a separate price. The cost of the programmer’s services depends on the amount of work.

      How to order external and internal optimization of the site in Kiev

      You can order external and internal optimization of your website not only in Kiev, but all over Ukraine. Our main office is located on the left bank of Kiev, where you are always welcome.

      In addition to order external and internal optimization service in Kiev or from any other point of the country, you need to leave an application through a short form on our website. We will call you back to discuss your SEO optimization project.

      How much does SEO service cost

      Our prices are flexible and depend on the complexity and duration of the work. To find out how much does the SEO optimization of your website or online store cost, you need to conduct an initial analysis of the website and competitors. The full cost of the work we will announce in advance of the service.

      One-time SEO optimization will undoubtedly improve the performance of the site and its ranking. However, it needs to be done constantly. Therefore, if you want to improve the position of the web page and bring the site into the top 10, it is wiser to choose the service of complex SEO promotion of the website or online store.